Being Okay With Right Now

Sunday, January 28, 2018

I have big goals for myself.

I want to travel the world, be an incredible photographer, fall in love, be an influential teacher, and SO much more. These goals are big and can sometimes seem like a far off dream. Here's the reality: in order to achieve my dreams, I have to be okay with where I am right now at this very moment. Take my photography for instance... It is so easy to get lost in the depths of instagram looking at unbelievable photos captured by wonderfully talented photographers. The issue with that is, if I have not accepted my skill level, I will get flustered very quickly. I'll get angry that my photos don't look like there's. But, they shouldn't! I just started shooting with a "big camera" less than a year ago (and half that year it spent collecting dust because I was too afraid to try). The same goes for my teaching. Pinterest is filled with beautiful classrooms and well put together teachers. Currently, that isn't my reality. THAT'S OKAY!! I know those are the goals I am working towards. Just because I haven't achieved them, doesn't mean that I am not doing well. I must accept my current skill level, knowing that I am working hard to improve so one day I will achieve my dreams.

Be okay with your right now. As long as you keep working, you're right on track.

Taking the Leap

Sunday, January 21, 2018

I have deemed 2018 my year.

I have slowly been overcoming fear after fear since 2014 when I moved my entire life from Missouri to North Carolina. In that time, I have done so many things I never dreamed I would.
Example: whitewater rafting, swore I'd NEVER do it. Did it.
Second example: Riding alone in my apartment elevator. Do it everyday. (seriously)
From big to small, I have been overcoming life's obstacles. This year I am determined to battle the last few that are still in the way. Traveling to Europe for two weeks isn't just for fun. I am doing it for me - more of an explanation to come. I am taking charge and reading the books I have put off for years. I am honing my skills as a photographer instead of letting my camera collect dust in a closet. I am standing up to all the thoughts that have stopped me in the past. I'm taking the leap in 2018. I may fail, but at least I'll be able to say I tried.

Join me. I invite you not only to follow along in my journey, but to take the leap yourself. There are things you have always wanted to do, from reading a book to starting a business. This is your year.

Truly Living in 2018

Sunday, January 14, 2018

The new year has arrived and while I have some goals I want to accomplish, I haven't really established any big new years resolutions. I have, however, decided I want to be single. Quite the change from the year of crappy dates 2017 turned out to be.

Now, don't think this is the ever popular, I'm-not-dating-because-I-need-to-learn-how-to-be-happy-on-my-own trend. If there's one thing I have learned in the last year, it is how to be HAPPY and CONFIDENT on my own. I own who I am at this point in life and if you don't like it, see ya! Sounds harsh, but Taylor Swift and I are done with your crap, Kanye. Anyways, since I have become the resilient twenty-something adult I am today, I haven't taken time alone. There are a million and one things I want to do and everyone keeps telling me that NOW is the time to do them. I'm finally listening. When I look back on my twenties, I want to have stories to tell and pictures to show. I have the rest of my life to be devoted to the man of my dreams (and trust me, I can't wait!), but right now is my time and I am going to LIVE.

Join me if you will. Do that thing, take that trip, say those words.
Be authentically you and live your best life.

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