How Do You Give?

Sunday, November 5, 2017

It's the month of Thanksgiving and I have a ton to be thankful for. There are many wonderful people in my life who do so much for me. As I've started to look towards the upcoming holiday, I've also started thinking, what thanks am I giving? Of course, I say thank you to those who do so much for me, but I believe we can all do so much more than that. We can pay it forward. Now, how we pay it forward can be different for everyone. There are many opportunities for you to make a difference in the world and I just think that's so cool! There's an infinite amount of organizations that offer opportunities for you to lend a helping hand, you just have to find the right one. The best part is, if you find the right one, it's fun!

Sounds like I'm speaking from experience, huh? Surprise, I am! Back in the summer, I signed up to be a big for Big Brothers Big Sisters and this weekend was my first outing with my little. It was so much fun. I am working to make a difference and having a blast doing it. It is a great way for me to give back. Now it's your turn to find what works for you. Check out some organizations and see if there is a way for you to pay it forward. You CAN make a difference in our world.

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