Falling Behind

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The words falling behind sum up every aspect of my life.
Behind in my work, blogging, faith, friendships, scrapbooking, Christmas shopping, sleep, laundry, everything.

I have been mad at myself. I have complained to others. I have thought about how nice it would feel to not be behind anymore. Oddly, none of that fixed the problem (sarcasm, y'all).

Recently, the light bulb came on. The only reason I'm behind is me. The only person that can fix it is me. It's time to make a plan and execute it. You better believe my to do lists are in full force this week.

Now, before you grab that notepad, there's one more thing you need to get back on your feet and it's not as easy as grabbing a pen and paper. Motivation. If you don't have motivation to get going... well, like me, you're stuck. Where does it come from? I had to sit down and really think about what I wanted in life. I fully believe that you get out of something what you put into it. While it may come out differently than anticipated, at some point, you will get what you give (even if it's way down the road). I had to contemplate my core values, what I want to leave behind, and what will make me feel successful. This was enough to make me realize that what I'm doing isn't cutting it. It gave me just enough motivation to get back on my feet and remember I have the power to make a difference in the world.

Join me. Set your goals. Find your motivation. Do something amazing.
You have the power to change the world.

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