Look What You Made Me Do

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Taylor Swift has done it again. That is, managed to write a song that I personally have had on repeat for the last 48 hours. It appears this time around, she didn't shake it off and that got me thinking. This song is dark and clearly a bit revengeful. Don't get me wrong, I love it, oh how I love it. BUT, it also made me reflect on what grudges I'm holding. I hate to admit it, but there is definitely a few. Then I thought, why? The past is in the past. What has happened to me, good or bad, is what got me here and right now my life is pretty good. So why hold on to a single grudge? If you're anything like me, thinking about how someone has wronged me in the past infuriates me. It's silly to let them have that power over me. I don't even communicate with these people anymore. To be short and sweet and get to the point, don't let the frustrating memories overtake you and steal your joy. There's NO point. It was a part of your journey. Focus on the here and now. When you say, look what you made me do, hopefully you're talking about how that person motivated you to do even better. Show them the incredible life you have worked hard for despite their wrong doing. Always remember, you can't fight fire with fire. Let go of those grudges because the only thing they're doing is clouding your happiness. Hopefully you're able to forgive and forget. This is your journey, take control and don't let that grudge bother you a second more.

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