Why Not?

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Yesterday, I went to the park with a friend who is helping me become a better photographer.
Photography is something that I have come to have a passion for. While I have many books on the subject available to me, along with time to read and practice, I typically don't take the time to learn. Recently, I have started asking myself, why? It is easy to use the I'm tired excuse... but, let's be real... if I were to do something fun and exciting during my personal time, I would probably get excited and energized. This sounds lovely compared to my lazy self laying around on the couch. The only thing stopping me is myself. The same applies with another idea I have been throwing around in my head. I want to write a book. You read that right, a book. A week or so ago, I went on a date and nothing came of it except when I told him I was thinking about writing a book he said, why haven't you? I haven't been able to get that out of my head! Why haven't I written that book? The answer is me. I am the only thing stopping myself. So here is my thought for the day. Why not? Why not do that thing you've been thinking about doing? Yes there will be challenges associated with it but it's okay to take baby steps. Live your dream. Make it happen.

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